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IndiaMART is one of India’s leading online marketplaces that facilitates business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions.

IndiaMART: Tele Associate

Founded in 1996 by Dinesh Agarwal and Brijesh Agarwal, IndiaMART has become a prominent platform for connecting buyers and sellers across various industries.

Key features and information about IndiaMART:

Online Marketplace: IndiaMART operates as an online marketplace where businesses can list their products and services, making them accessible to a wide audience of potential customers.

The platform covers a vast range of categories, including industrial equipment, machinery, electronics, chemicals, textiles, and more.

Wide Reach: IndiaMART has a significant presence in the Indian market, with millions of registered buyers and sellers. Its reach extends to both urban and rural areas, making it a valuable platform for businesses of all sizes.

Company NameApplication ModeApplication FeeJob RoleTotal VacanciesApplication Closing DateEducational QualificationsJob LocationSalary Per MonthFresher/Experienced
IndiamartOnline ModeNilTele AssociateNot mentionedApply As soon as possible10th/12th PassWork From Home₹30,000/-Anybody can apply

Telemarketer: No-Cost Seller Enrichment

Welo Data Hiring Ads Quality Rater: Apply Now for 2025!

Why should you care:

High Payouts | Tele-Calling | No Sales Calling | Work from Home | Daily Earnings Up to Rs. 1,000

What do we anticipate:

Work from home as a freelancer at any moment during a specified working window. To achieve the intended results, a voice-based dialling procedure is used to gather, confirm, and update business profile information.

Inform the seller about IndiaMART, help him construct a profile, answer his questions, and enhance the production quality.

What conditions must be fulfilled:

  • You should have a computer with dependable internet.
  • Android mobile device
  • A separate mobile phone or SIM card for freelancing work
  • Aadhar card and PAN card
  • A functioning bank account in your name.

It is REQUIRED that you speak and understand both Hindi and English.

You only need to apply to our programe and take the following easy steps.

  1. Include personal information
  2. Finish a brief test that takes around 20 minutes.
  3. Create your selfie video in the required format and upload it using the instructions provided in the application form.
  4. Keep the files prepared for upload.

Please allot about 45 to 60 minutes to finish the process.

Join us to take your career to new heights!

Ascendeum Hiring Backend Engineer – Exciting Remote Opportunity, Apply Now!

*This is a Tele-Calling Operations Programme, not a Sales programme.


Important Links

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